Support and Services
Someone who has been impacted by gender-based violence (such as: sexual harassment, sexual violence, interpersonal (relationship) violence, sexual exploitation, or stalking) often need support immediately following an incident, and/or in the weeks, months, and years moving forward. Individuals can use as many or as few of the options included below as they need. What’s helpful and supportive may vary from one person to another and may change over time depending on circumstances.
Any individual can experience gender-based violence, regardless of their identities. Unfortunately, individuals of marginalized communities often face higher rates of gender-based violence and can face additional difficulties in seeking help and support. Violence intersects with the different identities an individual holds and can impact how someone experiences violence and/or harassment, responds to trauma, accesses help and support, makes decisions about reporting, or moves forward in their coping and healing.
After experiencing a traumatic event, it can be hard to know where to start or what to do. The Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) (Confidential) and the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) (Private) can help individuals find support on campus as well as in the community. ASAP and the OIEC can assist you even if you are unsure about what you want to do.
- Emotional Support
It can be helpful to seek emotional support to process an experience and its impact, explore options, and look find information about services available on campus and in the community. Individuals can connect with these resources at any time and do not need to report to law enforcement and/or the University to access these resources.
Resources provided are not an exhaustive list. Individuals can learn more about additional options by contacting any of the resources listed.
Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) / On-Campus / Confidential / M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
ASAP Website / ASAP Email / Main: 970-351-1490 / 24/7: 970-351-4040
- Located within Cassidy Hall 2nd Floor (1901 10th Ave)
- To schedule an appointment, you can call or email the office. Walk-ins are available M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral), faculty, staff, alumni, and concerned others
- Examples of support include: 24/7 assistance; academic intervention; exploring reporting options; accompaniment to hospitals; support during law enforcement and/or title IX meetings; safety planning; referrals to on-campus and community resources.
Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC) / On-Campus / M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
GSRC Website / GSRC Email / Phone: 970-353-0191
- Located at the Bonnie House (2215 10th Ave)
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral), faculty, and staff
- The GSRC aims to help members of the UNC community regardless of their gender, sexuality, and romantic identity feel safe and welcome on campus.
Center for Women’s and Gender Equity (CWGE) / On-Campus / M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
CWGE Website / CWGE Email / Phone: 970-351-1492
- Located at the Scott-Willcoxon Hall (1915 10th Ave)
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral), faculty, and staff
- The CWGE provides and inclusive and validating space to work towards challenging systems of inequity and empowering students to create a more inclusive community.
Sexual Assault Victim Advocate (SAVA) Center / Off Campus / Confidential / M-F 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Greeley: 970-506-4059 / Fort Collins: 970-472-4204 / Loveland: 970-775-2962
24/7 Hotline: 970-472- 4200 / SAVA Website
- The SAVA Center has three offices located in Greeley, Fort Collins, and Loveland
- To schedule an appointment, you can call the office during business hours, walk ins are available daily from 8:30 to 5:00 pm.
- This resource is for community members including the UNC community.
- Services include advocacy services, group and individual counseling, and prevention education programming.
- Financial Support
Financial assistance may be available to help individuals pay for costs related to an experience of gender-based violence.
Individuals can learn more about additional options by contacting any of the resources listed.Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Emergency Fund / Confidential / Application MUST be submitted by an advocate.
Contact UNC ASAP (970-351-1490) or SAVA (970-472- 4200) to apply- Specifically for persons victimized in Colorado
- Most interpersonal crimes are eligible, and crimes DO NOT have to be reported to law enforcement to receive funds
- Speak to an ASAP or SAVA advocate for information on what is and is not covered by VOCA
Colorado Victim Compensation / Private / Contact Varies by Judicial District / Website
Greeley Campus – 19th Judicial District / Karol Patch / Email (
Loveland Campus – 8th Judicial District / Candace Smith / Email (
Denver Campus – 18th Judicial District / Wendy Buter / Email (
- Crime MUST be reported to law enforcement
- Applicable to victims of certain crimes and the victims’ immediate family members
- Victim Compensation can assist with fiscal consequences directly related to the crime/harm caused. This includes but is not limited to: loss of wages, medical bills, mental health bills, funeral costs, replacement of doors, locks, and windows damaged during the crime.
- For assistance applying please contact the law enforcement agency you reported to or ASAP.
Office of Financial Aid (OFA) / On-Campus / Non-Confidential / M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
OFA Website / OFA Email / Main: 970-351-4862
- Located in UNC Campus Commons 2nd Floor
- To schedule a virtual appointment call or visit here. Walk-ins are available M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral)
- The Office of Financial Aid can provide support with navigating FAFSA, applying for grants, tuition appeals, and financial account holds
Bursar’s Office / On-Campus / Non-Confidential / M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Bursar’s Website / Bursar’s Email / Main: 970-351-4862
- Located in UNC Campus Commons 2nd Floor
- To schedule an appointment call or visit here. Walk-ins are available M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral)
- The Bursar’s Office can provide support with student billing, Bear Pay, and loans
- Academic Support
Gender-based violence can impact a student’s academic experience as they navigate classes and coursework. The resources below can help students connect with professors and/or advisors, request accommodations through the Disability Resource Center, and explore options for coursework, schedules, exams, and other resources for academic support.
Resources provided are not an exhaustive list. Individuals can learn more about additional options by contacting any of the resources listed.
Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) / On-Campus / Confidential / M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
ASAP Website / ASAP Email / Main: 970-351-1490 / 24/7: 970-351-4040
- Located within Cassidy Hall 2nd Floor (1901 10th Ave)
- To schedule an appointment, you can call or email the office. Walk-ins are available M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral), faculty, staff, alumni, and concerned others
- Services include academic intervention letters and assistance with registrar appeals
Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) / On-Campus / Private / M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
OIEC Website / OIEC Email / Phone: 970-351-4899
- Located in the University Center (3rd Floor)
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral)
- You do not have to have a formal investigation to be eligible for OIEC assistance
- Services include academic intervention and support, navigation of university resources, and reporting
Dean of Students Office / On Campus / Private / M-F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
DOS Website / DOS Email / Phone: 970-351-2001
- Located within the University Center (2nd Floor- by the Card Office)
- To schedule an appointment, you can call the office during business hours, email, or submit an online form for support.
- This resource is for students.
- Services include academic intervention and support, navigation of university resources and offices, and case management.
Disability Resource Center/On Campus/Private/M-F 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
DRC Website / DRC Email / Phone: 970-351-2289
- Located in Michener Library Lower Lever Room L-80.
- To schedule an appointment, you can call the office during business hours.
- This resource is for students.
- Services include support in acquiring academic accommodations due to a documented disability.
- Housing Support
Gender-based violence can impact someone’s sense of safety in their living space. The resources below can help individuals request changes for room and/or residence hall assignments, find temporary emergency housing, and consider options and support for navigating off-campus housing.
Resources provided are not an exhaustive list. Individuals can learn more about additional options by contacting any of the resources listed.
Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) / On-Campus / Confidential / M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
ASAP Website / ASAP Email / Main: 970-351-1490 / 24/7: 970-351-4040
- Located within Cassidy Hall 2nd Floor (1901 10th Ave)
- To schedule an appointment, you can call or email the office. Walk-ins are available M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral), faculty, staff, alumni, and concerned others
- Services include assistance with lease breaking, finding emergency housing, and request for dorm changes due to a victimization
Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) / On-Campus / Private / M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
OIEC Website / OIEC Email / Phone: 970-351-4899
- Located in the University Center (3rd Floor)
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral), faculty, and staff
UNC Housing & Residential Education / On-Campus / Non-Confidential / M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Housing Website / Housing Email / Phone: 970-351-2721
- Located in Tobey-Kendel Hall, Room 199
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral), faculty, and staff
- Services include changing your room, finding on-campus emergency housing, and coordinating with all campus neighborhoods to find most appropriate location for room moves.
Local Domestic Violence Shelters
Greeley Campus / A Women’s Place/A Welcome Place / 24/7 Phone: 970-356-4226 / Website
- Provides emergency shelter in Greeley to victims and survivors of domestic abuse in a non-disclosed location
Loveland Campus / Alternatives to Violence / 24/7 Phone: 970-669-5150 / Website
- Provides emergency shelter in Loveland to victims and survivors of domestic abuse in a non-disclosed location
Loveland Campus / Crossroads Safehouse / 24/7 Phone: 970-482-3502 / Website
- Provides emergency shelter in Fort Collins to victims and survivors of domestic abuse in a non-disclosed location
Denver Campus / Gateway / 24/7 Phone: 303-343-1851 / Website
- Provides emergency shelter in Aurora victims and survivors of domestic abuse in a non-disclosed location
- Faculty & Staff Support
Gender-based violence may impact an employee’s experience in the workplace. The resources below can help faculty and staff explore changes to workspaces and schedules, communicating with supervisors, and address possible safety concerns based on the individual’s needs and interests. These offices can work with employees to explore an individual’s options based on their work environment.
Resources provided are not an exhaustive list. Individuals can learn more about additional options by contacting any of the resources listed.
Ombudsperson – Johnny Armijo / On-Campus / Non-Confidential / By appointment
Ombuds Email / Phone: 970-351-1367
- Located in Student Affairs and Equity & Inclusion (1862 10th Ave)
- This resource is for all faculty and staff
- To make an appointment visit here
- Services include providing a neutral place for employees to bring up concerns and work towards conflict res
Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) / On-Campus / Confidential / M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
ASAP Website / ASAP Email / Main: 970-351-1490 / 24/7: 970-351-4040
- Located within Cassidy Hall 2nd Floor (1901 10th Ave)
- To schedule an appointment, you can call or email the office. Walk-ins are available M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral), faculty, staff, alumni, and concerned others
- Services include support letters and referrals
Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) / On-Campus / Non-Confidential / M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
OIEC Website / OIEC Email / Phone: 970-351-4899
- Located in the University Center (3rd Floor)
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral), faculty, staff, alumni, and concerned others
- Safety Support
People who have experienced gender-based violence may have concerns about their physical and emotional safety. The resources below can help individuals think through safety concerns, create safety plans, and explore options such as a campus no-contact order or protective orders.
Resources provided are not an exhaustive list. Individuals can learn more about additional options by contacting any of the resources listed.
UNC Police/Private/On Campus/ 24 hours/ 7 days a week
Phone: (970) 351-2245/ 911 will work from any campus phone. These are the most efficient way to get in contact with UNC PD, the below methods should not be used in emergencies unless it is the only way you have available.
Text: start a text message to 226787 with UNCPD at the beginning then state your concerns.
Guardian App: Students and Staff can download the Guardian App to text chat with UNC PD, for more information on the guardian app visit the UNC Police website- Located in Gray Hall
- This resource is for UNC students, faculty, and staff.
- Services include reporting and investigation of crimes committed on UNC property.
Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP) / On-Campus / Confidential / M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
ASAP Website / ASAP Email / Main: 970-351-1490 / 24/7: 970-351-4040
- Located within Cassidy Hall 2nd Floor (1901 10th Ave)
- To schedule an appointment, you can call or email the office. Walk-ins are available M-F 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral), faculty, staff, alumni, and concerned others
- Services include safety planning, assistance with protection orders, and technology protective measures
Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC) / On-Campus / Non-Confidential / M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
OIEC Website / OIEC Email / Phone: 970-351-4899
- Located in the University Center (3rd Floor)
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral), faculty, staff, alumni, and concerned others
- Services include No-Contact Orders ??
Local Law Enforcement
Greeley Police Department / Office Line: 970-350-9605 / Non-Emergency Dispatch Number: 970-350-9600
Loveland Police Department / Office Line: 970-667-2151 / Non-Emergency Dispatch Number: 970-667-2151
Aurora Police Department / Office Line: 303-739-6000 / Non-Emergency Dispatch Number: 303-627-3100
- Medical Support
It can be helpful to seek medical care from confidential resources to address health concerns, preserve evidence, or explore options and resources after incidents of sexual assault, interpersonal violence (relationship violence), and/or sexual exploitation.
Someone does not need to decide whether they to report to law enforcement and/or the University in order to seek medical care or have forensic evidence collected.
To help offset medical expenses and help maintain privacy in the billing process, financial assistance may be available depending on reporting decision and bill amount. A forensic nurse or advocate can assist in determining the best funding options, or please refer to the Financial Services tab.
Resources provided are not an exhaustive list. Individuals can learn more about additional options by contacting any of the resources listed.
- General Support
UNC Student Health Center/Confidential/ On Campus/ M-F 9:00 -5:00 pm
Website: Line: 970-351-2412
- Located on the first floor of Cassidy Hall (1901 10th Ave)
- To schedule an appointment, you can call during business hours. Walk ins are welcome M-TH 9:00 to 5:00 pm and Fridays 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
- This resource is for UNC students, faculty, and staff.
- Services include routine care such as well care visits, STI testing and other lab tests, Immunizations, and care for sickness and minor injuries.
Your primary care provider or local hosptials.
- Forensic Exams
The following locations provide forensic exams to patients. These resources include examination to check on concerns or injuries, forensic evidence collection, screening and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, HIV prophylaxis, emergency contraception, and injury treatment. For a more extensive list of local facilities please contact an ASAP Advocate.
Northern Colorado Medical Center / Off-Campus / Confidential / 24/7
- Phone: 970-810-6244
- Location: 1801 16th St. Greeley CO 80631
UC Health Greeley Emergency Department / Off-Campus / Confidential / 24/7
- Phone: 970-652-2160
- Location: 6767 W 29th St Greeley CO 80634
Medical Center of the Rockies Emergency Department / Off-Campus / Confidential / 24/7
- Phone: 970-624-2500
- Location: 2500 Rocky Mountain Ave Loveland CO 80538
McKee Medical Center Emergency Department / Off-Campus / Confidential / 24/7
- Phone: 970—820-4071
- Location: 2000 N Boise Ave Loveland CO 80538
University of Colorado Anschutz Campus Emergency Department / Off-Campus / Confidential / 24/7
- Phone: 720-848-9111
- Location: 12505 E. 16th Ave Aurora CO 80045
Information about Forensic Exams
Depending on the type of assault, individuals have between 3 to 7 days to acquire a forensic examination. Prior to a forensic exam, do not shower, bathe, change clothes, or comb hair. If you have done any of these activities, an exam can still be performed. While documenting and collecting evidence, a Forensic nurse can also provide a physical examination and wellness check, administer preventative treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and provide emergency contraception.
If you are still wearing the clothes worn during the incident, you should wear them to the hospital or bring them I a paper (not plastic) bag or wrapped in clean fabric. You may also want to bring a change of clothes, as the forensic nurse may ask to keep the clothes you are wearing as evidence.
There are three options you have with evidence collected during a forensic exam:
- Full Report
- Forensic nurse will contact law enforcement and provide them with your information. An officer may come to the hospital to talk to you about the assault.
- All evidence collection options may be available depending on the amount of time from the assault.
- Leave sheets/towels at the scene of the incident and police will collect them for evidence.
- Medical Report
- Forensic nurse will contact law enforcement and provide them with your name and basic information
- All evidence collection options may be available depending on the amount of time from the assault.
- Anonymous Report
- Forensic nurse will release the evidence to law enforcement under a confidential kit number
- Law enforcement will not be given your name or any identifying information
- Only the forensic nurse and you have the kit number
You have a minimum of 2 years to change your reporting status from Medical or Anonymous to a Full Report
To learn more about evidence collection, visit RAINN’S website.
- Mental Health Support
After experiencing a traumatic event it can be beneficial to seek support for mental health. By connecting with a therapist or counselor they will be able to assist in processing and identifying needs after trauma.
Resources provided are not an exhaustive list. Individuals can learn more about additional options by contacting any of the resources listed.
UNC Affiliated
UNC Counseling Center / On-Campus / Confidential / M-F 8:00 am -12:00 pm & 1:00 am -5:00 pm
Counseling Center Website / Counseling Center Email / Office and After-Hours Phone: 970-351-2496
- Located within Cassidy Hall 2nd Floor (1901 10th Ave)
- To schedule an initial visit you may call or submit an initial consultation form
- For emergent crisis assistance walk-ins are available from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral), faculty, and staff
- Services include individual and group counseling, psychiatric services, and Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
UNC Psychological Services Clinic/On-Campus/Confidential/ M-Th 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Psychological Services Website / Psychological Services Email / Office Phone: 970-351-1645
- Located in McKee Hall Room 247
- To schedule an appointment, you can call or email
- This resource is for UNC student, faculty, staff, and members of our community.
- Services include individual and group counseling and assessments.
Tele Health Services
LifeStance Health / Off-Campus / Confidential / M-F 9:00 am-5:00 pm
LifeStance Colorado Providers Website / Office and After-Hours Phone: 970-310-3406
- To schedule an initial visit, you may call or submit an initial consultation form
- This resource is for any individual looking for mental health support
- Services include various types of individual counseling, psychiatric services, and group therapy
BetterHelp / Off-Campus / Confidential / Varying Hours
BetterHelp Website / Contact via online form / Virtual appointments and assistance only
- To schedule an initial visit, will need to complete the intake form online
- This resource is for any individual looking for mental health support
- Services include various types of individual counseling and group therapy
Additional Community Resources for counseling:
- North Range Behavioral Health
- Foundations Counseling, LLC (UNC Loveland Campus)
- Aurora Mental Health Center (UNC Denver Campus)
Tips on finding a private provider
If you have insurance you want to use for therapy, you can look on Psychology Today for a provider in your area. When using this website, it is suggested you filter by location, type of insurance accepted, provider gender (if you are looking for a specific gender), accepting new clients, and type of specialty (trauma, LGBTQIA+, young adults, etc.) to find the most appropriate therapist for your needs.
- Legal Support
It can be helpful to seek legal assistance from confidential resources to help guide you through your legal options.
Resources provided are not an exhaustive list. Individuals can learn more about additional options by contacting any of the resources listed.
UNC Student Legal Services / On-Campus / Only Confidential during your appointment / By Appointment only
Legal Services Website / / Dean of Students Office: 970-351-2001
- Brandon Houtchens, Attorney at Law, is available by appointment only and meets in Kepner
- This resource is for students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral)
- First three sessions each academic year are free for students
- Visa & Immigration Support
If you need visa and/or immigration assistance, please contact one of the resources below.
Resources provided are not an exhaustive list. Individuals can learn more about additional options by contacting any of the resources listed.
International Student and Scholar Services / On-Campus / Non-Confidential / Contact for appointment
ISSS Website / ISSS Email / Office Line: 970-351-2396 / M-F 9:30am-11:30am, 1:30pm-3:30 pm
- Located in the University Center Room 1110 (2101 10th Ave)
- To schedule an appointment, you can call or email the office.
- This resource is for all students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral)
- Examples of support include: maintaining legal status, employment assistance, and other immigration related assistance
- State & National Support
The following resources offer state and national information and/or services for individuals who have experienced and/or have been impacted by gender-based violence. All of the following organizations are located off-campus and may be used by anyone regardless of location or UNC affiliation.
Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA) / Confidential by phone
CCASA Website / CCASA Email (link to / Phone: 303-839-9999
- Does not provide direct services to victims/survivors but can help in finding additional direct service providers.
- Services include: providing appropriate referrals to direct service providers
RAINN / Confidential by phone/ Available 24/7
RAINN Website / 24/7 Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
- Services include: information about sexual assault, abuse, and incest; 24/7 crisis line available via phone or online chat, information on state legislation, and providing additional resources on consent education and prevention
National Domestic Violence Hotline / Confidential by phone, text, or online chat / Available 24/7
Domestic Violence Hotline Website / Phone: 1-800-799-7233 / Texting Line: Text “START” to 88788
- Services include: information about domestic violence, how to be supportive of victims, shelter and assistance information, and safety planning
Love Is Respect / Confidential by phone, text, or online chat / Available 24/7
- Love is respect Website / Phone: 1-866-331-9474 / Texting Line: Text “LOVEIS” to 22522
Services include: information about dating violence, examples of healthy vs. unhealthy relationships, how to be supportive of victims, and safety planning
- Victim Assistance